PocketProject (Project Manager)
This is a desktop Project Manager application. Most of the user interactions happen using a CLI (Command Line Interface) and there is also a GUI to support the system. It is an application using Java as the main programming language.
It is intended for managers who are in charge of many software engineering projects and who have a large number of employees assigned to each project at any given time.
Managers can view details of their projects and employees such as:
Employee’s name, phone number and email
Employee’s github profile
Projects an employee is working on
User stories
Project tasks
Daryl Tan (@ditan96)
Jeff Gan (@jeffgan96)
Jothinandan Pillay (@jothipillay)
Lin Dehui (@dehui333)
Shune Lei (@shunnizuka)
PocketProject is based on the AddressBook-Level4 project created by SE-EDU initiative at https://github.com/se-edu/
Some parts of this application were inspired by the excellent Java FX tutorial by Marco Jakob.