Authors: Daryl Tan, Jeff Gan, Jothinandan Pillay, Lin Dehui, Shune Lei

Team: CS2103-AY1819S2-W10-2

Since: January 2019 License: MIT

1. Introduction

Pocket Project is primarily an application for software engineering project managers who are currently in-charge of a team of large employees and many projects. This application employs the use of a Command Line Interface(CLI) to easily navigate through the application which contributes to the efficiency and user-friendliness of the end product. This application allows managers to keep track of all the employees and their related background information such as their GitHub account username and relevant skills.

Additionally, it also helps to keep track of all the projects that the manager is currently involved with and key details of the project such the client, deadline and milestones can also be stored. Through the combination of the two main components, the application allows the storing and viewing of all the employees working on particular project and all the projects currently under a single employee among other functionalities.

2. Background Information

When first seeing our application, many of you may wonder what is the significance behind this project. Well, the current issues cannot be seen at the surface level and requires a deeper look. To present all the information in a nutshell, our application provides everything that a manager will ever need at the tip of his fingertips. Being able to better handle project and man management leads to a more organized workflow and inevitably, a more productive environment which can set a strong foundation for the lifecycle of various projects.

In addition, the inability to track the progress of a project has been cited as one of the top reasons as to why a product fails, and thus our application aims to potentially solve this problem by having both a milestones feature and a task manager to mainly see not only what has been completed, but also the proposed schedule for the weeks ahead until the project is due for completion.

3. Before We Begin

This section will outline key things to take note of before reading the user guide. The information provided in this section will be useful in understanding certain symbols and terms used further on in the user guide.

3.1. Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java version 9 or later installed in your Computer.

  2. Download the latest pocketproject.jar here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your Pocket Project.

  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI should appear in a few seconds as shown below.

    Startup ui
    Figure 1. Pocket Project UI
  5. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it.
    e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.

  6. Some example commands you can try:

    • list employee : lists all employees

    • addn/John Doe p/98765432 e/ g/mainmanjohn : adds an employee named John Doe to the Pocket Project.

    • delete employee3 : deletes the 3rd employee shown in the current list

    • exit : exits the app

  7. Refer to Section 4, “Features” for details of each command.

ui annotated
Figure 2. Pocket Project UI with different components

As shown above, there are 5 main components in Pocket Project interface:

  1. Command Box: where you key in the command

  2. Result Box: show the result of the command that is keyed in

  3. Side tab Panel: display either project list or employee list

  4. Prev/Next Button: to navigate through the project/employee details

  5. Detail panel: display details of an employee/project

There are several detail panels to display the details of the employees and the projects as shown below. You can toggle between these panel by using the Prev/Next Button.

employee detail panel
Figure 3. Detail Panels of an employee [1] Summary: display name, skills, phone, email of the employee [2] Projects: the list of projects the employee is working on [3] Github: github page of the employee
project detail panel2
Figure 4. Detail Panels of a project [1] Summary: display project name, client and deadline of the project [2] User Stories for the project [3] List of employees working on the project [4] Milestones and project tasks list in a project

3.3. Colour coding

There are several common colours used throughout Pocket Pocket to denote the statuses of events. As shown below, there are 3 main colours used:

  1. Red: The event is put on hold.

  2. Amber: The event is currently ongoing.

  3. Green: The event is completed.

colour coding
Figure 5. Common colours used in Pocket Project

3.4. Symbols

The following section details and previews a few legends that will be used throughout the user guide. These legends are used to represent special information such as tips and warnings.

Symbol Meaning

ug notepadpencil

The note pad icon indicates any useful tips or things that you need to take note of while using the Pocket Project application.

ug lightbulb

The light bulb icon indicates any shortcuts that you can use while using the Pocket Project application.

ug exclamation

The exclamation mark icon indicates any warnings that you can take note of while using the Pocket Project application.

ug smart

The graduation cap icon indicates any advanced usages or extra technical information about how a particular command works should you be interested to know.

3.5. Format of Commands

This section introduces to you the format of commands that are used in Pocket Project.

Command Format Meaning Example Remark

Upper Case

Parameters supplied by User

add n/NAME

NAME is a parameter which can be used as add n/John Doe

Square Brackets

Optional inputs


[s/SKILL] is an optional field

Can be used multiple times


Can have multiple skills: [s/SKILL1] [s/SKILL2] [s/SKILL3]

ug notepadpencil

Parameters can be in any order e.g. if the command specifies n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER, p/PHONE_NUMBER n/NAME is also acceptable.

3.6. Glossary

This section details a few key terms that are used through the course of the User Guide.

Term Meaning


Only contains either digits (0-9) or letters of the English alphabet (A-Z).

Command Line Interface (CLI)

A means of interacting with a computer program where the user issues commands to the program in the form of successive lines of text.


Ordering of words based on how it would appear in a dictionary.


A key event that is completed during the entire timeline of the project.


Short-form for regular expression. A regular expression is used to check if a given input matches the prescribed pattern or format.

One-Based Indexing

Way of numbering in which the initial element of a sequence of elements is assigned the index 1.

User Story

Used primarily for planning of a feature in a project or application. The user story describes the type of user, what they want, why and the importance/significance of the feature

Zero-Based Indexing

Way of numbering in which the initial element of a sequence of elements is assigned the index 0.

4. Features

The following section will outline the various features and commands available to you and will outline how the various commands can be used through examples and illustrations.

4.1. Viewing help : help

You can open up the User Guide from the Pocket Project application by calling the help command.

Format: help

ug lightbulb

Alternatively, you can press F1 or click Help which can be found on the menu bar at the top left hand corner of the application.

ug helpcommand
Figure 6. Accessing help from menu bar

4.2. Date Feature in Pocket Project

Whenever a particular command requires a date field, you can choose to use either of the below mentioned formats.

4.2.1. Fixed Date Format

You can input a date using the fixed date format.
Format: DD/MM/YYYY

1. 23/12/2019
2. 09/03/2020

ug lightbulb

The year field will not accept values beyond the year 2099 and acts as a loose safety feature for accidental errors while inputting the year.

4.2.2. Flexible Date Format

Alternatively, you can also input a date using the flexible date format. The flexible date format allows you to give an input with relation to the current date. It supports the below mentioned 3 formats.

Choosing a date relative to the current day
You can key in today,tomorrow and yesterday to get today’s, tomorrow’s and yesterday’s date respectively.

Format: today/tomorrow/yesterday

Choosing a date relative to the current week You can also aim to choose a date with relation to the current week.
Format: this/next/last week DAY_OF_WEEK

ug notepadpencil

The DAY_OF_WEEK takes an integer in the range of 1 to 7 which corresponds to Monday to Sunday respectively.

1. next week 7
This would select next week’s Sunday as the target date.
2. last week 2
This would select last week’s Tuesday as the target date.

You can refer to the screenshots of the program below for a clearer picture. Assume that the current date is 12 April 2019 (12/04/2019), Friday. It will be demonstrated using the add project command which requires a s/START_DATE and a d/DEADLINE.

Figure 7. Using "this/next/last week DAY_OF_WEEK" as a flexible date input

Choosing a date relative to the current month

You can also aim to choose a date with relation to the current week.
Format: this/next/last month DAY_OF_MONTH

ug exclamation

The DAY_OF_MONTH takes the value of positive integer but it cannot exceed the maximum number of days of a particular month in the chosen year.

1. this month 24
This would select the current month’s 24th day as the target date.
2. next month 17
This would select next month’s 17th day as the target date.

ug notepadpencil

You do not need to specify which format you are planning to use and the application is able to differentiate it based on the input received.

Some additional information

The application will also automatically help to check the validity of the target date. Should you accidentally target an invalid dates such as 31/04/2019, it will be rejected as the month of April only has 30 days. Additionally, leap years are also considered. So, as 2020 is a leap year, 29/02/2020 is considered a valid input but 29/02/2019 will be rejected as 2019 is not a leap year.

4.3. Adding an employee or project to the application: add

4.3.1. Adding an employee to the application: add employee

You can add an employee to the Pocket Project when a new employee joins the company/team so that the key details of the employee are stored in the application and projects can be assigned to them in the future.



  1. add employee n/John Doe p/98765432 e/ g/johnballer s/Java

  2. add employee n/Betsy Crowe e/ g/BetBet p/98228312

ug notepadpencil

An employee can have any number of skills (including 0).

You can refer to the screenshot below to have a clearer picture of how it works and looks like.

ug addemployee
Figure 8. Adding an employee to the application and what we can do with it

In addition, as a software engineering project manager, you may want to easily access an employee’s GitHub repository to possibly monitor his progress on a particular project. Thus for ease of use, you can simply toggle the arrow as shown above in Step 5 of Figure 5 and the GitHub repository of the employee will be viewable and accessible in the details panel.

ug exclamation

A working Internet connection is required to see and navigate through the GitHub repository. Otherwise, the page will not load.

ug lightbulb

You can also view the list of all projects assigned to the employee by toggling the arrows on the details panel.

4.3.2. Add a project to the application: add project

You can add a project to the Pocket Project when the team takes on a new project so that key details of the project are stored and employees, milestones, tasks and user stories can be assigned to them in the future.

The project has a default description when created and this can be edited using the edit project info command.

Format: add project n/NAME c/CLIENT_NAME s/START_DATE d/DEADLINE

ug exclamation

The deadline of the project should minimally be 1 day after the start of a project.

1. add project n/Apollo s/10/03/2019 d/12/12/2019 c/FairPrice
2. add project n/Xtreme c/John Smith s/09/02/2020 d/13/04/2020

You can refer to the screenshot below to have a clearer picture of how it works and looks like.

Figure 9. Adding a project to the application and what we can do with it

ug lightbulb

You can also view the list of all employees currently working on the project, a list of milestones and tasks, and a list of user stories by toggling the arrows on the details panel.

4.4. Add an employee/milestone/project task/user story to a project : addto

ug exclamation

Note that 'milestone', 'userstory', 'projecttask' are reserved words so they are not accepted as part of the argument for the description of respective components

4.4.1. Add an employee to a project: addto employee

You can add an employee to any projects already created in the Pocket Project application. You can do this by first listing all employees using the basic list employees command or by first filtering all the employees with the find employee or find skills command, and then choosing the index of the employee in the displayed list.

Format: addto PROJECT_NAME employee EMPLOYEE_INDEX

The employee at the specified EMPLOYEE_INDEX is added to the project specified by the PROJECT_NAME.

ug notepadpencil

The index refers to the serial number (one-based indexing) shown in the displayed list of employees.

ug exclamation

The EMPLOYEE_INDEX must be a positive integer and cannot be larger than the size of the displayed list.


  1. list employees technique

    1. list employees
      lists all the employees in the application.

    2. addto Apollo employee 2
      Adds the 2nd person in the displayed employee list to project "Apollo".

  2. find employee technique

    1. find employee John Han
      The displayed list will be filtered to show all employees whose names contain John, Han (not case sensitive).

    2. addto Apollo employee 5
      Adds the 5th person in the displayed filtered employee list to project "Apollo".

You can refer to the screenshot below to have a clearer picture of how it works and looks like.

ug addtoemployee
Figure 10. Adding an employee to a project

ug lightbulb

As shown in the figure above, instead of calling the list employees command, we can simple click on the employees tab located at the top of the side tab panel.

4.4.2. Add a milestone to a project: addto milestone

You can add a milestone to any projects already created in the Pocket Project application. Milestones are typically key events that are completed during the entire timeline of the project. Once a milestone is created, project tasks can be assigned to it.


ug lightbulb

Both the fixed date format and the flexible date format can be used to select the target MILESTONE_DATE. Refer to Section 4.2, “Date Feature in Pocket Project”

ug exclamation

As the milestone is part of a project’s timeline, the MILESTONE_DATE the input date cannot be before the START_DATE and after DEADLINE of the project.


  1. addto Apollo milestone m/Completed UI for program d/23/11/2015
    The milestone with the given description and the date 23/11/2015 will be added to the list of milestones in project "Apollo".

  2. addto Orbital milestone m/Version 1.3 Complete d/today The milestone with the given description and today’s date will be added to the list of milestones in project "Orbital".

ug notepadpencil

The list of milestones inside the target project will automatically be sorted by its date every time a new entry is added.

You can refer to the screenshot below to have a clearer picture of how it works and looks like.

ug addtomilestone
Figure 11. Adding a milestone to a project

4.4.3. Add a project task to a project’s milestone: addto projecttask

Building further on the functionality of milestones, you can also add project tasks to existing milestones in Pocket Project. This allows you to track and plan out in more detail what needs to be done between each milestone.


ug exclamation

The MILESTONE_INDEX must be a positive integer and cannot be larger than the size of the displayed milestone list.


  1. addto Apollo projecttask n/Create feature XYZ m/1
    A project task with the given description will be added to the list of tasks under the milestone at index 1 in project "Apollo".

  2. addto Orbital projecttask m/2 n/Prepare concept design sketches
    A project task with the given description will be added to the list of tasks under the milestone at index 2 in project "Orbital".

ug lightbulb

There is no specific order for either the project task name or the milestone index when entering the command so either way is acceptable.

You can refer to the screenshot below to have a clearer picture of how it works and looks like.

ug addprojecttask
Figure 12. Adding a task to a project’s milestone

ug notepadpencil

Clicking on the arrow beside a milestone containing existing tasks allows you to hide the list of tasks under the milestone.

4.4.4. Add a user story to a project: addto userstory

You can add a user story to a project. User stories are tools used in software development to capture a description of a software feature from an end-user perspective.


ug notepadpencil

STORY_IMPORTANCE: The priority/importance level of the user story, ranging from 1 to 3. 3 being the most important and 1 being the least.

ug exclamation

STORY: as a, i want to and so that are keywords which help us to segment your user story into the respective categories: user, function and reason. Hence these keywords cannot be used more than once and needs to be included in a valid user story.


  1. addto Apollo userstory as a new user i want to have a clean UI so that i can navigate easily i/2

  2. addto Apollo userstory i/1 as a user i want to try out new things so that i can have fun

ug smart

You can input the importance level or the actual user story in any order.

ug smart

A valid user story can also be simply: as a …​ i want to…​.

E.g as a user i want to log in is a valid user story.

Upon a successful addition of a user story, you should be able to see the new user story in the list of user stories. You may need to toggle the buttons to get to the correct panel.

Refer to the screenshot below to see how the new user story is shown.

addto user story ui
Figure 13. User stories list showing the newly added user story

4.5. Delete a project or an employee from the application delete

4.5.1. Delete a project from the application: delete project

Deletes a project from the list of projects.

Format: delete project PROJECT_NAME or delete project PROJECT_INDEX

ug notepadpencil Deletes the project at the specified PROJECT_INDEX. The index refers to the index number (one-based) shown in the displayed list of projects.

ug exclamation The index must be a positive integer and cannot be larger than the size of the list. The PROJECT_NAME must be the name of an existing project.


ug deleteproject before
Figure 14. Deleting a project at index 1 - before
ug deleteproject after
Figure 15. Deleting a project at index 1 - after
  • delete project 1
    Deletes the first project shown in the most recent displayed list of projects. The first figure above shows the command being typed but not entered yet and the second shows the effect of the command.

4.5.2. Delete an employee from the application: delete employee

Deletes the specified employee from the employee list.

Format: delete employee INDEX


  • list employees
    delete employee 2
    Deletes the 2nd person in the displayed employee list.

  • find employee Betsy
    delete employee 1
    Deletes the 1st person in the resultant employee list shown by the find command.

ug notepadpencil Either the list employee command or the find employee command needs to be invoked before calling the delete employee command as the index is referenced from the last returned list of employees.

4.6. Remove an employee/milestone/project task/user story from a project : removefrom

4.6.1. Remove an employee from a project: removefrom PROJECT_NAME employee

Removing an employee from a project.

Format: removefrom PROJECT_NAME employee EMPLOYEE_INDEX


ug removeemployee before
Figure 16. Removing an employee at index 1 - before
ug removeemployee after
Figure 17. Removing an employee at index 1 - after
  • view project 1
    click on the right arrowhead till the page showing the list of employees in the project
    removefrom p1 employee 1
    Removes the employee at first position at displayed list of employees from the project 'p1'. The effect of the command is demonstrated in the two figures above.

4.6.2. Remove a milestone from a project: removefrom PROJECT_NAME milestone

Removing a milestone from a project.

Format: removefrom PROJECT_NAME milestone MS_INDEX


  1. view project Apollo
    removefrom Apollo milestone 1
    Removes the milestone at 1st position of displayed list of milestone from Project Apollo.

ug notepadpencil

Removes the employee at the specified INDEX based on the displayed list of employees.

ug exclamation

The index must be a positive integer and cannot be larger than the size of the list.

4.6.3. Remove a project task from a project’s milestone: removefrom PROJECT_NAME projecttask

You can remove existing project tasks from a milestone if there is a change in the planned project’s schedule.


ug exclamation

The MILESTONE_INDEX and PROJECT_TASK_INDEX must be a positive integer and cannot be larger than the size of the displayed milestones and tasks list.


  1. removefrom Apollo projecttask 1 1
    The 1st project task in the task list under the 1st milestone of the displayed milestone list in project "Apollo" will be removed.

  2. removefrom Orbital projecttask 2 1
    The 1st project task in the task list under the 2nd milestone of the displayed milestone list in project "Orbital" will be removed.

You can refer to the figure below to have a clearer picture of how it looks like when the command removefrom Orbital projecttask 2 1 is called.

ug removeprojecttask
Figure 18. Before and after comparison when removing a task from a project’s milestone

ug notepadpencil

The arrow beside the milestone description for collapsing the task list will disappear if all tasks for that milestone are removed.

4.6.4. Remove a user story from a project: removefrom userstory

You can remove a user story from a project.

Format: removefrom PROJECT_NAME userstory INDEX


  1. view project Apollo
    removefrom Apollo userstory 2
    Removes the user story at the 2nd position of the list of user stories from Project Apollo.

Refer to the screenshots below to see the changes in the user stories list after the command above has been executed.

removefrom user story ui
Figure 19. Before and after comparison of removing a user story

4.7. Edit an employee/project in the application : edit

4.7.1. Edit an employee in the application: edit employee

You can edit the details of an existing employees whenever there are changes made to the employee’s details such as name, phone, email, github and their skills.

Format: edit employee INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [g/GITHUB] [s/SKILL]…​

At least one of the optional fields must be provided and all existing values will be updated with the input values. When editing skills, the existing skills of the person will be removed i.e adding of skills is not cumulative.


  1. edit employee 1 p/91234567 e/
    Edits the phone number and email address of the 1st employee to be 91234567 and respectively.

  2. edit employee 2 n/Betsy Crower s/Java
    Edits the name of the 2nd person to be Betsy Crower and sets Java as the only skill.

  3. edit employee 2 n/Betsy Crower s/C s/HTML
    Edits the name of the 2nd employee to be Betsy Crower and sets C and HTML as the skills.

ug notepadpencil

Edits the employee at the specified INDEX. The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed employee list.

ug exclamation

The index must be a positive integer and cannot be larger than the size of the list.

ug lightbulb

You can remove all the person’s skills by typing s/ without specifying any skills after it.

Below is the before and after screenshot to illustrate better. The command that will be used to show the difference will be edit employee 2 n/The magician p/98637251 s/.

edit employee before
Figure 20. Before entering the edit command
edit employee after1
Figure 21. After entering the edit command

4.7.2. Edits name/client/deadline/description of a project: edit project info

You can use this command to edit the general details of an existing project such as project name, deadline, client and description which are shown on the summary panel of the projects.

ug notepadpencil

This command can be used to change the default description that is assigned to the project when the project is added.

Format: edit project PROJECT_NAME info [n/name] [c/client] [d/deadline] [desc/description]


  1. edit project Apollo info n/Gemini c/John d/12/09/2020 desc/An application for project management
    Change project Apollo name to Gemini, client to John, deadline to 12/09/2020 and the description to 'An application for project management'

ug lightbulb

Both the fixed date format and the flexible date can be used here to edit the deadline.

ug exclamation

Note that the start date is unmodifiable and the deadline should be after the start date of the project and also after the date of the latest milestone in the project.

ug exclamation

Note that 'info' is a reserved word so it is not accepted as part of the argument for the description of the project (e.g. 'm/project info' is not accepted).

Below is the before and after screenshots of when the command edit project PocketProject info desc/A project management tool d/20/05/2019 is entered.

Figure 22. Before and after comparison for edit project PocketProjcet info desc/A project management tool d/20/05/2019 command

4.7.3. Edit milestone of a project: edit project milestone

You can edit the milestone of the existing project whenever there are changes made to it.

Format: edit project PROJECT_NAME milestone MILESTONE_INDEX [m/milestone] [d/date]


  1. edit project Apollo milestone 2 m/Implement edit command d/09/04/2019 Change the milestone at index 2 in Apollo to 'Implement edit command (09/04/2019)'

ug exclamation

The date of the milestone must be between the start date and the deadline of the project

ug exclamation

A blank input for milestone description will not be accepted as an input. (e.g. edit milestone m/)

ug exclamation

Note that 'milestone' is a reserved word so it is not accepted as part of the argument for the description of the milestone (e.g. 'm/A milestone for ui' is not accepted).

Below is the before and after screenshot of how the command should work. The command edit project Orbital milestone 1 m/Version 1.1 refactoring d/03/08/2019 will be used to show this.

edit project milestone before
Figure 23. Before and after comparison of edit project Orbital milestone 1 m/Version 1.1 refactoring d/03/08/2019

4.7.4. Edits User Story in a project: edit project userstory

You can edit the fields of a user story in a project.

Format: edit project PROJECT_NAME userstory INDEX STORY


  1. edit project Apollo userstory 2 as a manager i want to see my employee’s skills so that i can assign them relevant work

  2. edit project Apollo userstory 1 as a user i want to be able to login

  3. edit project Apollo userstory 1 i/2

ug smart

You can also remove an existing reason from a user story by typing nil as the new user story reason.

ug exclamation

Note that 'userstory' is a reserved word so it is not accepted as part of the argument for the story of the project (e.g. 'm/project userstory' is not accepted).

Refer to the screenshot below to see how the fields of the user story has been edited when the command edit project Apollo userstory 1 i/2 is executed.

edit user story ui
Figure 24. Before and after comparisons of the user story’s importance level

4.8. Locating employees, projects or skills by name: find

There are several ways available for you to search for employees and projects in PocketProject. Below are the things you should take note for all the find command.

ug notepadpencil

The search is case insensitive. e.g hans will match Hans

ug notepadpencil

The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Hans Bo will match Bo Hans

ug notepadpencil

Persons matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search). e.g. Hans Bo will return Hans Gruber, Bo Yang

ug exclamation

Only full words will be matched e.g. Han will not match Hans

4.8.1. Find employees in the application: find employee

You can search for employees by using their names as of the given keywords.

Format: find employee KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]


  1. find employee John
    Returns john and John Doe

  2. find employee Betsy Tim John
    Returns any person having names Betsy, Tim, or John

  3. find employee Betsy Tim John
    Returns any employee having names Betsy, Tim, or John

Below is a screenshot of what a successful find employee command will look like.

find employee
Figure 25. After entering find employee stark command

4.8.2. Find employees with skills: find skill

You can look for employees by using their skills as keyword. This will make things easier for you when you need to find employees to assign to projects which require a certain skill.

Format: find skill KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]


  1. find skill java
    Returns a list of employees who has java skill.

  2. find skill java C Returns a list of employees who have either java or C or both.

Below is a screenshot of what a successful find skill command will look like.

find skill
Figure 26. After entering find skill java command

4.8.3. Find projects in the application: find project

Similarly for the projects, you can find projects using the project names as keywords.

Format: find project KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]


  1. find project Apollo
    Returns a list of projects with names that contain Apollo

Below is a screenshot of what a successful find project command will look like.

find project
Figure 27. After entering find project apollo command

4.8.4. Find projects with any keywords: find all

This find all command allows you to find projects even if you have forgotten the project name. You can simply try to find the project using words that appear in the description of the project. If you remember the name of the client, you can use the client name to find the project too.



  1. find all software food Returns a list of projects which contains either software or food or both as part of the name/description/client.

Below is a screenshot of what a successful find all command will look like.

find all 1
Figure 28. After entering find all management command

4.8.5. Find projects with deadline: 'find deadline'

In order to manage your workload and be aware of the upcoming deadline, you can find all the project which will be due before a certain date.

Format: find deadline KEYWORD


  1. find deadline 15/04/2019
    Returns a list of projects which has 15/04/2019 as the deadline or has deadlines that are before 15/04/2019

ug exclamation

Only accept one argument. e.g. will not accept find deadline 15/04/2019 20/12/2019

ug notepadpencil

Accepts both flexible date and calender date

Below is a screenshot of what a successful find project command will look like.

find deadline
Figure 29. After entering find deadline this month 31 command

4.9. Update a user story/project task status: update

You can update the statuses of events to track their progress.

Currently, there are 3 valid status which update supports:

  1. ongoing : indicate that the event is ongoing

  2. on hold : indicate that the event is placed on hold

  3. complete : indicate that the event has been completed

Each of the different statuses are also visually different in their colour coding. For more information about the different colours used, refer to Section 3.3, “Colour coding”.

4.9.1. Update the status of a user story: update userstory

You can update the status of a user story to indicate its progress.

Format: update PROJECT_NAME userstory INDEX STATUS


  1. update Apollo userstory 1 on hold
    Updates the first user story in Apollo to be on hold.

You may refer to the screenshot below to see how the user story is updated after the command update Apollo userstory 1 on hold is executed.

update user story ui
Figure 30. Before and after comparisons of the status of a user story

4.9.2. Update the status of a project task: update projecttask

You can update the status of a project task to indicate its progress.


ug exclamation

The MILESTONE_INDEX and PROJECT_TASK_INDEX must be a positive integer and cannot be larger than the size of the displayed milestones and tasks list.


  1. update Apollo projecttask 1 1 ongoing
    Updates the status of the first project task in the first milestone of project 'Apollo' to "ongoing".

  2. update Orbital projecttask 2 1 complete
    Updates the status of the first project task in the second milestone of project 'Orbital' to "complete".

You may refer to the diagram below to get a clearer picture of how updating a project task’s status looks like when the command update Orbital projecttask 2 1 complete is called.

ug updateprojecttask
Figure 31. Before and after comparison when updating a project task’s status

4.10. Listing all employees or projects in application : list

4.10.1. List all employees in the application: list employee

You can list all the employees in the employee list.

Format: list employee


  1. list employee

You can refer to the screenshot below for an example.

list employee ui
Figure 32. Employees list showing a list of all employees

4.10.2. List all projects in the application: list project

You can list all the projects in the projects list.

Format: list project


  1. list project

You can refer to the screenshot below for an example.

list project ui
Figure 33. Projects list showing a list of all projects

4.11. View the details of employees or projects : view

4.11.1. View details of an employee: view employee

You can view the details of an employee by clicking on the employee in the side tab panel. Alternatively, you can also use the view command to do so.

Format: view employee EMPLOYEE_INDEX

ug notepadpencil

When viewing the employee, the GitHub page of the employee will also be loaded.


  1. list employee
    view employee 1
    Displays details of the employee at index 1 of the employees list

Refer to the screenshot below to see the changes in the screen after a view employee 1 command is executed.

view employee ui
Figure 34. Details of the employee at index 1 of the employees list is shown

4.11.2. View details of a project: view project

You can view the details of an project by clicking on the project in the side tab panel. Alternatively, you can also use the view command to do so.

Format: view project PROJECT_INDEX


  1. list project
    view project 1
    Displays details of the project at index 1 of the projects list.

Refer to the screenshot below to see the changes in the screen after a view project 1 command is executed.

view project ui
Figure 35. Details of the project at index 1 of the projects list is shown

4.12. To indicate the project has been completed : complete

Indicates that a project is completed. Currently this command has similar effect to deleting the project, but it is meant to support the enhanced statistics feature for V2.0.



  • list projects
    The list of ongoing projects are listed. complete 1 11/11/2011
    The first project in the shown list is indicated as completed on 11/11/2011.

4.13. Display statistics regarding the projects : stats

Returns an overview of all ongoing projects/the progress of an individual project.

Format: stats or stats PROJECT_NAME/stats PROJECT_INDEX

+ add something here. Examples:

Number of ongoing projects: 5
Projects with deadline in this month:
1. Project6 | deadline: 17/04/2019|reached 0 out of 1 milestones
2. Project2 | deadline: 17/06/2019|reached 1 out of 1 milestones
3. Project3 | deadline: 17/06/2019|reached 1 out of 1 milestones
4. Project1 | deadline: 17/05/2019|reached 0 out of 1 milestones
5. Project4 | deadline: 17/05/2019|reached 0 out of 0 milestones

stats 1
Progress of p1:
deadline: 29/04/2019 | reached 0 out of 1 milestones
Milestones not reached yet:
1. Finish userguide | deadline: 28/04/2019 | 0 out of 1 tasks completed.

4.14. Undoing previous command : undo

Restores the Pocket Project to the state before the previous undoable command was executed.

Format: undo

ug notepadpencil

Undoable commands: those commands that modify the Pocket Project’s content (add, delete, addto, removefrom, edit and clear).


  1. delete employee 1
    undo (reverses the delete employee 1 command)

  2. view employee 1
    The undo command fails as there are no undoable commands executed previously.

  3. delete project 1
    undo (reverses the clear command)
    undo (reverses the delete project 1 command)

4.15. Redoing the previously undone command : redo

Reverses the most recent undo command.

Format: redo


  1. delete employee 1
    undo (reverses the delete employee 1 command)
    redo (reapplies the delete employee 1 command)

  2. delete project 1
    The redo command fails as there are no undo commands executed previously.

  3. delete project 1
    undo (reverses the clear command)
    undo (reverses the delete project 1 command)
    redo (reapplies the delete project 1 command)
    redo (reapplies the clear command)

ug lightbulb

The redo command can only be called if there is an undo command that has not been "redo-ne" yet.

4.16. Clearing all entries : clear

Clears all entries from the Pocket Project.

Format: clear

4.17. Exiting the program : exit

Exits the program.
Format: exit

4.18. Saving the data

Pocket Project data is saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data.
There is no need to save manually.

4.19. Sort the projects by name or deadline : sort [coming in v2.0]

Returns a sorted list of projects by the sort key value. Available keys: name, deadline.

Name: returns list in lexicographic order
Deadline: returns list by earliest deadline first.

Format: sort KEY_VALUE


  1. sort name
    List of project have been sorted by name.

  2. sort deadline
    List of projects have been sorted by deadline with the earliest deadline displayed at the top of the list.

4.20. Encrypting data files [coming in v2.0]

{explain how the user can enable/disable data encryption}

4.21. Project commands [coming in v2.0]

{Commands related to managing of project will be added soon.}

5. FAQ

Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?

A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous Pocket Project folder.

6. Command Summary

Command Format Examples

Add Employee to Application

add employee n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER e/EMAIL g/GITHUB [s/Skill]…​ ,

add employee n/James Ho p/22224444 e/ g/jamesballer s/Java s/Python

Add Project to Application


add project n/Orbital c/Nintendo s/23/06/2018 d/12/09/2018

Add Employee To Project


addto Apollo employee 2

Add Milestone To Project


addto Apollo milestone m/Completed UI for program d/23/11/2015

Add Project Task To Project


addto Apollo projecttask n/Create feature XYZ m/1

Add User Story To Project


addto Apollo userstory i/2 as a user i want to see my projects so that i can manage them

Delete Employee from Application

delete employee EMPLOYEE_INDEX

delete employee 1

Delete Project from Application

delete employee PROJECT_INDEX

delete project 1

Remove Employee From Project


removefrom Apollo employee 2

Remove Milestone From Project


removefrom Apollo milestone 1

Remove Project Task From Project


removefrom Apollo projecttask 1

Remove User Story From Project

removefrom PROJECT_NAME userstory STORY_INDEX

removefrom Apollo userstory 2

Edit Employee’s Details

edit employee INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [g/GITHUB] [s/SKILL]…​

edit employee 2 n/Betsy Crower s/C s/HTML

Edit Project Details

edit project PROJECT_NAME info [n/name] [c/client] [d/deadline] [desc/description]

edit project Apollo info n/Gemini c/John d/12/09/2020 desc/An application for project management

Edit Milestone Details In The Project

edit project PROJECT_NAME milestone MILESTONE_INDEX [m/milestone] [d/date]

edit project Apollo milestone 2 m/Implement edit command d/09/04/2019

Edit Userstory Details In The Project

edit project PROJECT_NAME userstory STORY_INDEX STORY

edit project Apollo userstory 1 as a user i want to be able to login

Find Employees Using Name


find employee John

Find Employees Using Skills


find skill java

Find Projects Using Name


find project Apollo

Find Projects Using Words Found In Name And Description


find all management

Find Projects Using Deadline

find deadline KEYWORD

find deadline 15/04/2019

Update User Story Status


update Apollo userstory 1 complete

Update Project Task Status


update Apollo projecttask 2 1 on hold

List All Employees


list employee

List All Projects


list project

View Employee Details

view employee EMPLOYEE_INDEX

view employee 1

View Project Details

view project PROJECT_INDEX

view project 1

Complete A Project


complete 1 11/11/2011

Display Statistics Of All Project



Display Statistics Of A Single Project


stats 1

  • Exit: exit

  • Help : help